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B1QX telemetry solution datasheet


The purchase order shall contain the following information:

  • Order reference number and date
  • Invoicing and delivery address (including VAT number)
  • Parts order numbers from ordering table, number of units requested, requested expedition date
  • Type of expedition (for example ex-works, delivery)
  • List of additional options

Order options with codes

Uplink radio type (R)
R0NB-IoT band 20
R1LoRaWAN - Class A - EU 868 MHz
R2LoRa 868MHz
R3LoRaWAN - Class A - US 915 MHz
R4802.15.4 - 2.4GHz
R5Bluetooth LE (BLE) - 2.4GHz
R6Sigfox RC1
RXspecial - on request
Binary inputs/outpus (B)
B0Without binary I/O
B1Three (3) binary IO interfaces
BXspecial - on request
RS485 interface (S)
S0Without RS485 I/O
S1One RS485 interface
SXspecial - on request
ADC interface (A)
A0Without ADC interface
A12x ADC (voltage, voltage)
A22x ADC (voltage, 4-20mA)
A32x ADC (4-20mA, 4-20mA)
A43x ADC (4-20mA, 4-20mA, 4-20mA)
AXspecial - on request