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Commans for N5 compatible devices

Privilege Levels

Device recongnizes two priilege levels: none and unlock

To receive "unlock" privilege level user must first issue "unlock" command with passsword.


set apn

syntax: set apn [VALUE_STRING]

description: sets APN configration for NB-IoT uplink radio - must not contain spaces!

minimum privilege level: unlock

example: set apn

set interval

syntax: set interval [VALUE_SECONDS]

description: sets the interval - how often to receive and send data from sensor in seconds

minimum privilege level: unlock

example: set interval 3600

set ip

syntax: set ip [XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]

description: sets the ip for sending uplink NBIoT data and triggers NBIoT network rejoin. IP is IPv4 only.

minimum privilege level: unlock

example: set ip

set port

syntax: set port [UDP_PORT]

description: sets the udp port number for sending uplink NBIoT data and triggers NBIoT network rejoin. PORT is UDP only.

minimum privilege level: unlock

example: set port 12567

set time

syntax: set time [DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss]

description: sets the internal time - must be set in 24-hour format

minimum privilege level: unlock

example: set time 11/02/2021 16:23:22


get apn

syntax: get apn

response syntax: apn [APN_VALUE_STRING]

response example: apn

description: get APN configration for NBIoT connection

minimum privilege level: none

get interval

syntax: get interval

response syntax: interval [VALUE_IN_SECONDS]

response example: interval 60

description: returns the interval in seconds on how often to send uplink data

minimum privilege level: none

get ip

syntax: get ip

response syntax: ip [IPV4_VALUE_IN_DECIMAL_NOTATION]

response example: ip

description: show ip for uplink packet destination

minimum privilege level: none

get port

syntax: get port

response syntax: port [UDP_PORT_IN_DECIMAL]

response example: port 11238

description: show UDP port for NBIoT uplink packet destination

minimum privilege level: none

get time

syntax: get time

response syntax: time [DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss]

response example: time 11/02/2021 16:23:22

description: returns the internal time

minimum privilege level: none

get model

syntax: get model

response syntax: model [TEMPLATE_NAME]

response example: model model_x_02

description: Gets internal device model type name. This defines the functionality set of the device and its getters and setters availability.

minimum privilege level: none

get cmds

syntax: get cmds

response syntax: cmds [cmd:[param],cmd:[param],...]

response example: cmds time:2,ip:2,port:2,connected:0

description: list of commands which are available on this device. the list is a list of available commands with a parameter after a :. The description of the parameter is as follows: 0 = read-only get commend, 1 = write only set command, 2 = read and write command. For example time:2 means there is a get time and set time command available on the device.

minimum privilege level: none